
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

When I can't find the words...

My life often gets turned upside down.  Being away from home is a blessing and a curse at different points along my journey.  Luckily, I have been blessed with an amazing family--not the least of which are my uncle and aunt, Rex and Robin.  Some of my earliest memories are of Rex.  He has always been there for me--a man who always treated me with respect, even when I was a kid; a man who I knew I could turn to at any point in my journey and know he would lend me an ear--and take me seriously.  Robin entered my life early on as well and has always been a comfort and, in recent years, a true friend.  I was a flower girl in their wedding--I still remember it.  It was one of the first examples of being accepted into a "bigger" world.

Why am I introducing family members?  Because this week, my life has been turned upside down.  My grandmother--my hero--the woman I named my child after--is nearly 89 years old.  She is an amazing woman and has been through so very, very much in her long life.  She took care of me.  She took care of the rest of my family.  But, sometimes, SOMETIMES, it becomes the time that we (who have been so blessed to have experienced her amazing care-taking skills and her long, healthy life that is still moving forward) must adjust our roles in awkward ways.  It is the time that we must all bond together, as a big, amazing family, and take on caretaking roles ourselves.  Every member of Grandma's lineage has been touched by all of her amazing traits in countless ways.  We all love her more than words can imagine.  Yet, none of us can even begin to understand her almost-89-year journey.

So, on that note, I introduce my amazing aunt Robin.  She has found the words I have been looking for.  Check out her blog and this post (which I have copied and pasted, with her permission). 


Life changes. Sometimes we see it coming. Sometimes it smacks us in the face.
Sometimes, it smacks us because we turn away from what we see coming because we don't want to accept it.
We've been smacked. It stings.

These feet...
decided to go out into the 86 degree heat and pull weeds
became disoriented
climbed up a steep hill to the alley
lost their shoes
wandered through the alley for about 3 hours
took several rest breaks
avoided the "scary dog"
finally asked a strange man for help
met a really nice police woman who made sure she got home
turned off the cabbage left cooking on the stove
laughed about how she could see the dandelions, but not her house
cannot explain how this happened

These feet.....
have walked our family into new territory. Territory many have trod before us, but uncertain and a bit scary for us.

These feet....
are forcing us to look at life straight on- no more turning our heads
are requiring us to make decisions, decisions that will bring us closer together as a family because in the end, everyone involved.....

love these feet
and the precious 89 year-old mom attached to them.

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